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Succede solo a Bologna APS
Succede solo a Bologna APS | events 2017
Discover the first confirmed events for 2017 in our site
events association succede solo a bologna

Title: Art City – Art and Life 

When: 24 January – 26 January

Where: Conserva di Valverde

Target: for all

Type of access: gratuito

Titolo: Art City – BOLOGNA stories with a thread of light

When: 24 January – 26 January

Where: Ex Galleria garisenda

Target: For all

Type of access: free

Titolo: Bologna Mineral Show 2020

When:6-7-8 march

where: Unipol Arena

Edition n°: 51

Target: for all

Type of access: ticket

Planned dates for 2020

Title: aperitivi in terrazza 2020

When: from may to september

Where: Basilica of San Petronio’s terrace

Target: For all

Type of access: donation

When: Planned date for 2020

Where: Bologna

Ruolo: ideatori

Target: for all

Type of access: free